Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Missing Papi's Little Girl

It is no secret that my youngest daughter and I have a close relationship. Although only 7, she can be a handful. Looks can be deceiving, but I love her even though she can be a handful.

My wife and I decided that during her two week spring break vacation she could stay in Arizona with her cousins. Each day we call each other to check in and just talk. Since Sunday I have been missing our girls, but today she particularly made me want to make a u-turn, hit the gas, and just pick them up. When she called today, she wanted to play over the phone "who is my princess?". After asking her and her responding: Who is my princess? Me! Who is the most beautiful girl? Me! Who is the smartest? Me! She says..."Papi I have to go, but I love my Papi". With those words, she took all my worries, problems, and tiredness away. Funny, how simple words from your children can have a peaceful and loving impact on you.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ciudad de Los Angeles

Every morning, my wife and I have our routine. Since I commute the furthest to Los Angeles, I typically leave the house no later than 6:30 a.m. Today, was the exception. I really did not want to make the hour and a half drive into my office. I just wanted to stay in bed and relax with my wife.

As I traveled into the office, I hit traffic. I began to get frustrated, and antsy...I just wanted to get to my office. My commute time was beginning to reach the two hour mark. As I began to get more impatient with traffic, I heard the radio say "traffic jam on Southbound 101, fatality collision". My frustration suddenly stopped. I began to think I hope all is OK. Too often while driving I have seen accidents. As I drove by the scene of the accident, I began to wonder...perhaps he/she was on the way to work too, perhaps in the afternoon he/she was planning spend time with the family. All these scenarios were too familiar to me, as that's what i typically do each day. After arriving to the office I soon forgot of the accident. Although, I did text my wife early in the day to alert her of the traffic and accident. However, during my lunch hour I was reminded of how fragile life is. How God places Angels to protect us even when we don't even know of harm. As I was coming back from lunch...a woman in a large truck ran a stop light. As a result, we both hit the brake as fast and as hard as we could. I was already bracing for impact. Our cars stopped only inches from hitting each other. After shaking it off, she drove off and so did I.

I am simply fortunate and thankful to have a guardian angel that allowed me to come home to my family one more day. I am glad I work in the City of Angels!