Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ciudad de Los Angeles

Every morning, my wife and I have our routine. Since I commute the furthest to Los Angeles, I typically leave the house no later than 6:30 a.m. Today, was the exception. I really did not want to make the hour and a half drive into my office. I just wanted to stay in bed and relax with my wife.

As I traveled into the office, I hit traffic. I began to get frustrated, and antsy...I just wanted to get to my office. My commute time was beginning to reach the two hour mark. As I began to get more impatient with traffic, I heard the radio say "traffic jam on Southbound 101, fatality collision". My frustration suddenly stopped. I began to think I hope all is OK. Too often while driving I have seen accidents. As I drove by the scene of the accident, I began to wonder...perhaps he/she was on the way to work too, perhaps in the afternoon he/she was planning spend time with the family. All these scenarios were too familiar to me, as that's what i typically do each day. After arriving to the office I soon forgot of the accident. Although, I did text my wife early in the day to alert her of the traffic and accident. However, during my lunch hour I was reminded of how fragile life is. How God places Angels to protect us even when we don't even know of harm. As I was coming back from lunch...a woman in a large truck ran a stop light. As a result, we both hit the brake as fast and as hard as we could. I was already bracing for impact. Our cars stopped only inches from hitting each other. After shaking it off, she drove off and so did I.

I am simply fortunate and thankful to have a guardian angel that allowed me to come home to my family one more day. I am glad I work in the City of Angels!

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