Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Missing Papi's Little Girl

It is no secret that my youngest daughter and I have a close relationship. Although only 7, she can be a handful. Looks can be deceiving, but I love her even though she can be a handful.

My wife and I decided that during her two week spring break vacation she could stay in Arizona with her cousins. Each day we call each other to check in and just talk. Since Sunday I have been missing our girls, but today she particularly made me want to make a u-turn, hit the gas, and just pick them up. When she called today, she wanted to play over the phone "who is my princess?". After asking her and her responding: Who is my princess? Me! Who is the most beautiful girl? Me! Who is the smartest? Me! She says..."Papi I have to go, but I love my Papi". With those words, she took all my worries, problems, and tiredness away. Funny, how simple words from your children can have a peaceful and loving impact on you.

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