Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Welcome to my blog. My wife and I created our blog accounts over a year ago, we expected to blog each day to build a common hobby and help with each others blog. Fast forward a year, and I have blogged less than my fingers can count. I love to read and write, I enjoy it.....but I never did devote the full commitment to fulfill this expectation to blog. Perhaps it stems from being a grantwriter.

By day I am reading lengthy RFP's (request for proposals) and writing sometimes up to 20+pages per proposal. Expectation and the pressure to fulfill the expectations are always present as a grantwriter. Expectation loom like vultures in my office, they disguise themselves as my boss, my Board of Directors, or the families we serve. Asking did you complete the proposal on time? Will we get funded? Did you write a strong proposal? We must get funded or will have to cut services and/or jobs? Have we raised the $1million from our yearly goal?

Having expectations is always great toward propelling us forward to achieving our goals, however making the commitment to fulfill and surpass your expectations is even better. In conclusion, expectations don't mean much without the commitment to follow through on those expectations - expectation without the commitment to follow through is simply a daydream.


  1. "expectation without commitment"...that gives me something to think about for sure!! I can totally understand it in relation to expectations of self...great post!! Cheers, Jenn.

  2. As John Lennon says, "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans," and so it is with blogging. Our intentions are to write every day, but so many things get in the way. I have found that I can use those interruptions to create more blogs – when I have time.

  3. You must have commitment if you expect anything good to happen! Lovely post!


  4. Very well written as well as a good read! Thanks for sharing.

  5. I agree...talking the talk without walking the walk won't get us very far. Nicely done!

  6. I loved the sentence, "Expectations loom like vultures in my office."

    How descriptive! How emotive! Yes, expectations placed upon me have definitely felt like looming vultures. Mu plate is full. I would like to meet everyone's expectations. I'd like to say "yes" to everything, but unless I can truly back that up with action, all I've given is an empty promise.

    Nice job!

  7. Talk about two big expectations.

    A daily blog - yikes! The thought gives me jitters. I can understand why that became overwhelming, but hope you can now adjust it to a weekly post for GBE2.

    As far as the proposals - that's major pressure. I think you should work out a commission system to compensate for all the expectations they put on you. ;)
