Tuesday, March 23, 2010

After Bread and Roses There is Home

If you have never seen Bread and Roses, its a story of the successful "Justice for Janitors" campaign which helped establish improved pay and working conditions for the janitors of Los Angeles, of which mostly are Latino. Almost 10 years ago I remember seeing this movie, and being impressed by the power of the collective voice. Fast forward to now, I am the development manager responsible for brining additional resources for the overall organization that made this movement happen. In other words, most of my day is spent writing and reading RFP's. Today when I got home my wife encouraged me to blog, reluctunlty I did. She said it would be relaxing and fun. I thought, what could be so relaxing about writing and reading even more? I should know by now to just shut up and listen to my wife, she was right! I am officially addicted to blogging.

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