Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Missing Papi's Little Girl

It is no secret that my youngest daughter and I have a close relationship. Although only 7, she can be a handful. Looks can be deceiving, but I love her even though she can be a handful.

My wife and I decided that during her two week spring break vacation she could stay in Arizona with her cousins. Each day we call each other to check in and just talk. Since Sunday I have been missing our girls, but today she particularly made me want to make a u-turn, hit the gas, and just pick them up. When she called today, she wanted to play over the phone "who is my princess?". After asking her and her responding: Who is my princess? Me! Who is the most beautiful girl? Me! Who is the smartest? Me! She says..."Papi I have to go, but I love my Papi". With those words, she took all my worries, problems, and tiredness away. Funny, how simple words from your children can have a peaceful and loving impact on you.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ciudad de Los Angeles

Every morning, my wife and I have our routine. Since I commute the furthest to Los Angeles, I typically leave the house no later than 6:30 a.m. Today, was the exception. I really did not want to make the hour and a half drive into my office. I just wanted to stay in bed and relax with my wife.

As I traveled into the office, I hit traffic. I began to get frustrated, and antsy...I just wanted to get to my office. My commute time was beginning to reach the two hour mark. As I began to get more impatient with traffic, I heard the radio say "traffic jam on Southbound 101, fatality collision". My frustration suddenly stopped. I began to think I hope all is OK. Too often while driving I have seen accidents. As I drove by the scene of the accident, I began to wonder...perhaps he/she was on the way to work too, perhaps in the afternoon he/she was planning spend time with the family. All these scenarios were too familiar to me, as that's what i typically do each day. After arriving to the office I soon forgot of the accident. Although, I did text my wife early in the day to alert her of the traffic and accident. However, during my lunch hour I was reminded of how fragile life is. How God places Angels to protect us even when we don't even know of harm. As I was coming back from lunch...a woman in a large truck ran a stop light. As a result, we both hit the brake as fast and as hard as we could. I was already bracing for impact. Our cars stopped only inches from hitting each other. After shaking it off, she drove off and so did I.

I am simply fortunate and thankful to have a guardian angel that allowed me to come home to my family one more day. I am glad I work in the City of Angels!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

No Work = More Work...I need my Union Rep!

Today was a great day, we honored a civil rights leader who defended the rights of many individuals with no voice. The labor movement has continued to protect the rights of the many individuals who have limited protections and or no voice. Although, I make light of the situation...its in good spirit! Viva Cesar Chavez and the labor movement!

Today was my day off from work, grrrreeeaaattt! I get to rest, wake up late, watch my favorite show, read, catch a movie, etc. However, my day turned into more work than actual work. My wife and I work pretty late each day, so by the time we get home we are often tired and just want to relax. I had a great idea! I thought, "I am going to surprise my wife by cleaning the entire house". Was that a mistake? No! But I sure wish I had my union representative to protect my rights to a break, a reduced workload and adequate working/cleaning supplies.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I cant hang no more..shit I feel old!

You know your getting old when you call it a night at 10pm on a party.

No Fighting Allowed, Unless Its Absolutely Necessary

I have always been told, "no fighting allowed, unless it is absolutely necessary".

My wife and I were doing last minute shopping for our niece's Quincenera. When I say last minute, I mean it. Literally...we had 10 minutes to buy shoes and dresses for our two daughters. She took the eldest (12) and I took the little one (6). By splitting up we could cover ground. Some facts: I had just arrived from a long flight, had driven for two hours in traffic to get home, and only had 10 minutes to shop. So I found a pair of shoes and a dress. I made my wife proud, as she returned. As I approached the counter to pay, I was surprised to find that my princess's shoes had allegedly been spotted by another parent.

They said: "those are my shoes"
I said: "I found them on the floor, so they are mine. They are the last pair"
They said: "I have a wedding"
I said: "I have a Quincenera"
They said: "Those are mine"
I was ready to fight for shoes under these "necessary terms"; I was tired and my princess needed to look cute. Again, no fighting allowed... unless it is absolutely necessary! It was absolutely necessary!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

After Bread and Roses There is Home

If you have never seen Bread and Roses, its a story of the successful "Justice for Janitors" campaign which helped establish improved pay and working conditions for the janitors of Los Angeles, of which mostly are Latino. Almost 10 years ago I remember seeing this movie, and being impressed by the power of the collective voice. Fast forward to now, I am the development manager responsible for brining additional resources for the overall organization that made this movement happen. In other words, most of my day is spent writing and reading RFP's. Today when I got home my wife encouraged me to blog, reluctunlty I did. She said it would be relaxing and fun. I thought, what could be so relaxing about writing and reading even more? I should know by now to just shut up and listen to my wife, she was right! I am officially addicted to blogging.

Quinceañera: The a coming of age

This weekend is my niece's Quinceañera. Many have asked if the Quinceañera will be traditional or more "up to date". If traditional means having a hip-hop group who will be "jerking", if its means a Hello-Kitty theme, or if it means pink and black as the theme...then of course it is. Actually, to my surprise my niece wanted to dance the mambo. She wanted to enter the stage with an old Tin-Tan Pachuco introduction....I guess it is traditional after all?

Until Death Do Us Part

Two years ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. In her battle against cancer, I've had the opportunity to understand and see my parent's courage, strength and unconditional love. Although our family has seen the terminal effects cancer, my mom faced cancer like a warrior. Her language barrier, fear of cancer, or lack of "medical insurance" did not prevent her from facing this illness head on. Perhaps it was her faith, or perhaps it was her inner strength; I know it must have been both. But like any warrior, my mom had great support - my dad. I have been very fortunate to have my parents who have been great examples of unconditional love, courage and strength.